Featured Books:
How to Make An Apple Pie and See the World, By Marjorie Priceman
Travel the world to find ingredients for your apple pie! England for wheat, England for milk, Vermont for apples, it's a glorious adventure.
On the Same Day of March: A Tour of the World's Weather, By Marilyn Singer
Indian, Kenya, the Artic - different weather all on the same day in March! Readers travel through fog, wild winds, and crazy cold as they visit 17 unique places around the world.
Scrambled States of America & More Stories, By Laurie Keller
Hilarious adventure when states around the US decide that they want to swap their spot with another state, hoping to experience a different part of America. Initially everyone likes their new area, but slowly they become homesick and return to their regular location.
(titles may vary depending on availability)